We are made up of High School Students from the Greater Danbury Connecticut Area, including New York.
We compete throughout New England.
OUR FIRST TECH Challenge TEAM (middle school/high school)
The League of Extraordinary Roboticists, FTC Team No. 8699 We are a team of middle school and high school students who compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge. Please click on the link below to visit our website.
The Technic Terminators Team No. 11415 (formally Robot Researchers) is the 1st FIRST Team in our program. The team was formed in 2011.
Team EPIC, Team No. 11416 is one of our all girls robotics team. The team was formed in 2012.
Team G.L.O.W. ———-- Girls Lead Our World our other all girls robotics team usually are younger female members - team 11418
The HATTERS, Team No. 11419 is our newest team. (formally EGR 5+1) The team was formed in 2015. The Hatters is generally made up of our youngest and newest team members.